Letter writing at a glance:

  • Handwritten letters make the greatest impact.

  • Drawings from kids are hard to ignore.

  • Find your legislator at www.oregonlegislature.gov/findyourlegislator/leg-districts.html

  • Before you send it, make a copy (take a picture or scan it) and share with Friends of Outdoor School (Better yet, send it to us and we will hand-deliver it to the right people for you.) Click here to send a picture to Friends of Outdoor School.

  • Use this template letter to help you get started

Image description: Person in a sweater writing a letter with a mug on the table.

Image description: Person in a sweater writing a letter with a mug on the table.



Other ways to use your writing skills to advocate for Outdoor School

  • Letters to the editor

    • Do you love writing and want to share the importance of Outdoor School with your community? Write a letter to the editor at your local paper and send it to us so we can feature it on our website!

  • Letters and art from students

    • Student letters and artwork are a great way to make an impact on legislators! Send us a photo of the letter or artwork you’re sending to your legislator or send it to us and we’ll hand deliver it for you.

  • Write thank you notes to decision makers

    • Write a thank you note to you legislator and share what Outdoor School means to you and how it has positively impacted your life, then thank them for their continued support! Make a thank you sign, a piece of art, or send a photo from Outdoor School, get creative! Take a picture of your note and email it to Friends of Outdoor School then send it to your legislator or send it to us and we’ll hand deliver it for you.