High School Leadership Roundtable
Meet with other Outdoor School program providers to discuss the role of high school leaders at Outdoor School and how to improve their experience. The roundtable participants are working together to create high school leadership programs that create a sense of belonging and connection to place for youth, support the mutual interrelationships between high school leaders and 5th and 6th graders, empower youth with skills and confidence to create a healthy positive future for themselves and their communities, and where youth leaders reflect the communities of students they serve. Co-hosted by Friends of Outdoor School and OSU Extension Service Outdoor School.
Join us monthly via Zoom!
Outdoor School Community of Practice
Outdoor school educators are joining together in this informal group to share lessons learned, to discuss solutions to challenges, and to build a stronger outdoor school community. The meetings are informal and are driven by questions and discussion items from participants. You are welcome to come to as many of the meetings as you would like! You are not required to attend every meeting to be part of the group.
This meeting is co-hosted by Friends of Outdoor School and Oregon State University Extension Service Outdoor School.
Join us biweekly via Zoom!