Memorial, Tribute &
Honorary Gifts

A tribute gift is a meaningful way to convey sympathy to the bereaved, memorialize a loved one who has passed away, commemorate a special occasion (such as a wedding, birthday or holiday) or honor a person's life and accomplishments.


To Send a Tribute Card:

Choose a personalized card to be emailed or postal mailed to the honoree, or to family of the loved one.

  1. On our donation page, check the "Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone " box directly under your donation amount.
  2. Select "in honor of..." or "in memory of..."
  3. Provide the honoree's name and the card recipient's name (if different), and contact information.
  4. Select one of the four designs, or check "Send a card in the mail" to have a printed card postal mailed to the recipient.
  5. Include a message to the recipient, mentioning the donation amount, if desired.