Make a Gift

Your gifts provide so much for so many Oregon students!

$10 supplies educational materials for a week of Outdoor School

$10 supplies educational materials for a week of Outdoor School

$215 pays tuition for three days of Outdoor School

$215 pays tuition for three days of Outdoor School

$25 makes a set of wood cookies for an entire class

$25 makes a set of wood cookies for an entire class

$380 pays tuition for a week of Outdoor School

$380 pays tuition for a week of Outdoor School

$60 feeds one student for a week of Outdoor School

$60 feeds one student for a week of Outdoor School

$500 grants training and a week of service to a high school volunteer

$500 grants training and a week of service to a high school volunteer

$150 furnishes bus transportation to Outdoor School for one class

$150 furnishes bus transportation to Outdoor School for one class

$1,000 provides an environmental educator for one week of Outdoor School

$1,000 provides an environmental educator for one week of Outdoor School